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Lakshya Aircraft

Lakshya Aircraft: Aeronautical Development Establishment, a Bengaluru-based DRDO lab that developed the Lakshya aircraft, has been visited by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Lakshya Aircraft is an indigenously developed micro-light and pilot-less target aircraft. It designed and built by the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), a subsidiary of the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), […]

Army Tactical Missile Systems

Army Tactical Missile Systems: The United States recently confirmed providing long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine to aid its war effort against Russia. Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) is a conventional surface-to-surface artillery weapon system capable of striking targets well beyond the range of existing Army cannons, rockets and other missiles. It is […]

Bulletproof Jacket : DRDO

Bulletproof Jacket : DRDO The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed the lightest bulletproof jacket in India. The jacket, designed by the Defence Materials and Stores Research and Development Establishment (DMSRDE) in Kanpur, offers protection against the highest threat level 6 as per BIS 17051 standards. Lightest bulletproof jacket provides protection against 7.62 […]

INSV Tarini

INSV Tarini: The Indian Naval Sailing Vessel INSV Tarini returned to her base port at Goa after a historic transoceanic expedition of nearly two months by two women officers of the Indian Navy. The journey included interactions with Mauritian officials and a training sortie with the Mauritius Coast Guard, strengthening ties between the two nations. […]

Rampage Missile

Rampage Missile: Israel recently used the Rampage, an efficient air-to-surface missile, in an attack on an Iranian military base. Rampage Missile is a long-range, supersonic, air-to-ground, seekerless, precision strike missile. It was developed by Israel Aerospace Industries and Israeli Military Industries Systems. It has been developed for use in missions aimed at destroying high-quality, well-protected […]