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8th Dharma Dhamma Conference 2024

8th Dharma Dhamma Conference 2024:

The 8th Dharma Dhamma conference was organised by the India Foundation in collaboration with Gujarat University in Ahmedabad.

  • Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar was the chief guest for the event.
  • The theme for the 2024 conference is “Cosmology in Dharma and Dhamma.”
  • Dharmic cosmology, unique to Indian traditions, frees people from the fear of death. It highlights the perspective that life is brief and may not have a definitive meaning.
  • The roots of Dharmic cosmology are found in the Vedas and further developed in texts like the Itihasa-Purana and Brahmanas, as well as the Buddhist Nikayas and Sutras, and Jain Karikas and Sutras.
  • The conference is an initiative of India Foundation, aiming to highlight the essential identity between the Dharma (Hindu) and Dhamma (Buddhist) viewpoints.
  • India Foundation is an independent research centre focussed on the issues, challenges and opportunities of the Indian polity
  • The conference seeks to facilitate the exchange of ideas and foster harmony between Hindu and Buddhist civilisations, emphasising their relevance over millennia.