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Guidelines for Import of Live Seaweeds into India

Guidelines for Import of Live Seaweeds into India: The Centre issued the ‘Guidelines for Import of Live Seaweeds into India’ to support the import of high-quality seed materials or germplasm, aimed at enhancing livelihood opportunities for coastal communities. Guidelines: Establishes a regulatory framework with clear guidelines for live seaweed import into India, covering quarantine, risk […]

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization: The recent rumours of a nuclear test by Iran were promptly refuted by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). It is an international organization based in Vienna, Austria, established to implement the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), which aims to ban all nuclear explosions worldwide. CTBT is a multilateral treaty opened […]