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Free To Think 2024 : Report

Free To Think 2024 : Report

The “Free to Think 2024” annual report by the Scholars at Risk (SAR) Academic Freedom Monitoring Project reveals a concerning decline in academic freedom in India over the past decade.

  • Academic freedom refers to the right to pursue knowledge and conduct research without interference, supporting the open exchange of ideas and protecting academic integrity.

Highlights of the Report:

  • The report stated that India’s academic freedom index score dropped from 0.6 to 0.2 points between 2013 and 2023.
  • The report stated that, according to the Academic Freedom Index (AFI), India now ranks as “completely restricted,” marking its lowest score since the mid-1940s.
  • The report cites the heightened efforts to exert political control and impose a majoritarian religion agenda in universities.
  • New policies at universities like Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and South Asian University (SAU) have prohibited student protests, undermining student expression and activism.
  • Restrictions are also placed on academic freedom, limiting independent thought and expression.
  • Ongoing battles between the Union government and various State governments over control of higher education are evident, particularly in states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Punjab.
  • Such conflicts result in restrictive policies that can limit independent institutional autonomy and restrict academic freedom.
  • Instances of intimidation have led to resignations or retractions of critical academic work, undermining academic integrity and fostering self-censorship among researchers in higher education.
  • The report documents 391 attacks on higher education communities in 51 countries, highlighting a broader global issue of threats to academic freedom.