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Draft Reciprocal Exchange Of Logistics Agreement (RELOS)

Draft Reciprocal Exchange Of Logistics Agreement (RELOS):

Russia has approved a draft logistics agreement with India, ending years of delays.

  • Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement (RELOS) is an administrative arrangement between India and Russia to enhance military cooperation.
  • It streamlines military logistics support, making joint operations more efficient and cost-effective.
  • Facilitates replenishment of supplies, providing berthing facilities for troops, warships, and aircraft during both wartime and peacetime missions.
  • Enables smoother use of host nation’s logistics networks, swift crisis response, and reduces overall mission costs.
  • Enhances India’s maritime influence and awareness, and improves information exchange about maritime activities.
  • Balances India’s logistics agreements with Quad countries and Russia’s non-Quad stance, countering US and Chinese regional influence.
  • Supports India’s Arctic research, focusing on links between Arctic Sea ice melt and Indian monsoon systems