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Jadui Pitara’

Jadui Pitara:

Jadui Pitara’ -a play-based learning-teaching material tailored for children between the age group of 3-8 years

  • Developed under the National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage (part of the implementation of the New Education Policy 2020)
  • Available in 13 Indian languages
  • Includes playbooks, toys, puzzles, posters, flashcards, storybooks, and worksheets that reflect local culture and social contexts.
  • Aim:
    • Accommodate the diverse needs of learners and pique curiosity
    • Making the learning-teaching environment more child-centric, lively, and joyful
    • Playing is crucial for children’s overall development—physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and cultural—by encouraging curiosity, exploration, and experimentation. Interactive play activities, such as talking, storytelling, and creative arts, help build strong connections among children, teachers, parents, and the community.
    • Research shows that play stimulates brain development, particularly the prefrontal cortex enhances neuroplasticity, and develops intuitive knowledge.
    • UNICEF emphasizes play’s vital role in parenting, establishing a strong foundation for children’s growth and development from infancy.