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Non-Market Economy Status

Non-Market Economy Status: Vietnam has been pushing the President United States of America to quickly change its “non-market economy” classification to “market economy” status. The United States of America designates a country as non-market economy based on several factors namely If the country’s currency is convertible; If wage rates are determined by free bargaining between […]

Indian Agricultural Research Institute : New High-Yielding Wheat Seed Variety, HD 3386

Indian Agricultural Research Institute : New High-Yielding Wheat Seed Variety, HD 3386 The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) recently introduced a new high-yielding wheat seed variety, HD 3386. Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) is India’s largest and foremost Institute in the field of research andhigher education, and training in agricultural science. It is situated in […]

Patronage Appointments And Ethics

Patronage Appointments And Ethics: Patronage appointments in the public sector raise several ethical issues that can affect the efficiency and accountability of the civil service. Patronage Appointments refers to the appointments that are made based on the recommendation or source (personal connections) of an influential person, political leader, public servant, etc. This has not only […]

Sperm Whale : Study

Sperm Whale : Study Scientists have uncovered a fascinating aspect of sperm whale communication: their complex vocalizations resemble Morse code, hinting at a sophisticated “phonetic alphabet.” These whales, renowned for their social nature, use clicking sounds called codas to convey messages. Research on sperm whales in the eastern Caribbean revealed a rich communication system akin […]

U.N. Counter-Terrorism Trust Fund

U.N. Counter-Terrorism Trust Fund: India has contributed $500,000 to the U.N. Counter-Terrorism Trust Fund, reaffirming its commitment to global efforts against terrorism. This contribution supports UNOCT’s global programmes, mainly focusing on Countering Financing of Terrorism (CFT) and Countering Terrorist Travel Programme (CTTP). CFT strengthens member states capacity to understand terrorism risks, while CTTP assists in […]