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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool :

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool :

At the recent COP28, NASA and IBM announced that an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool called would be available on the open-source AI platform Hugging Space.

  • is an Artificial Intelligence tool jointly built by IBM and NASA.
  • It will help users monitor the Earth from space, measuring environmental changes that have already happened while also making predictions about the future.
  • The model is also designed to be extremely simple to use. A user would merely need to select a location and a date, and the model will highlight changes in floodwater, reforestation efforts and other relevant factors.
  • work is built on a foundation model, it’s trained on a broad set of uncategorised data allowing the model to apply information about one situation to another.
  • NASA provides the datasets and IBM created the foundation model to interpret them.
  • In order to train the model to comprehend visual sequences that unfold over time, scientists filled in blank areas in each image and asked the model to piece it back together.