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Unified Logistics Interface Platform : Hackathon 2.0

Unified Logistics Interface Platform : Hackathon 2.0

NICDC Logistics Data Services Ltd. (NLDSL) announces the launch of Unified Logistics Interface Platform Hackathon 2.0.

  • Hackathon 2.0 is a competitive event, aimed at fostering innovation and developing digital solutions to tackle pressing challenges in the logistics industry.
  • It invites developers, start-ups, and industry players to come together.
  • The focus of this year’s hackathon is on addressing key logistics challenges such as sustainability, complex supply chain processes, unified documentation, and multimodal logistics optimization.
  • Unified Logistics Interface Platform is a digital gateway that allows industry players to access logistics-related datasets from various Government systems through API-based integration.
  • Currently, the platform integrates with 37 systems from 10 ministries via 118 APIs, covering over 1800 data fields.
  • It was launched by the Prime Minister as part of the ‘National Logistics Policy (NLP)’ on September 17, 2022.