Fourth-Generation Nuclear Plant : China China has launched the world’s first commercial operations of a fourth-generation gas-cooled nuclear reactor power plant, the Shidao Bay plant in eastern Shandong province. This plant utilizes small modular reactors (SMRs), which are high-temperature reactors cooled by gas instead of pressurized water. SMRs are considered more efficient and cost-effective and […]
About: Kumari Sonali
Posts by Kumari Sonali:
Ban On Using Sugarcane Juice And Sugar Syrup For Ethanol Production
Ban On Using Sugarcane Juice And Sugar Syrup For Ethanol Production: The government has temporarily banned the use of sugarcane juice and sugar syrup for ethanol production due to uncertainties in cane output for the current season as per the Sugar (Control) Order 1966. The Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) forecasts a 9% reduction in […]
India Announced USD 250 Million Line Of Credit To Kenya
India Announced USD 250 Million Line Of Credit To Kenya: India has announced a USD 250 million line of credit to Kenya for modernisation of its agricultural sector during the recent visit of Kenya’s President to India. A line of credit (LOC) is a predetermined borrowing limit that is accessible whenever necessary. The borrower can […]
Potteromyces asteroxylicola : Old Fungus Fossil
Potteromyces asteroxylicola : Old Fungus Fossil Researchers discover a 407-million-year-old fungus fossil, Potteromyces asteroxylicola in the Rhynie Chert, marking the oldest evidence of fungi causing diseases. Potteromyces asteroxylicola was found infecting the ancient plant Asteroxylon mackiei, showcasing a predator-prey interaction that occurred while the plant was alive. The unique reproductive structures of Potteromyces, known as […]
Banni Grassland : Setup Of Cheetah Breeding And Conservation Centre
Banni Grassland : Setup Of Cheetah Breeding And Conservation Centre The Gujarat Government recently said that the Central Government has approved setting up a cheetah breeding and conservation centre in the Banni Grassland. Banni Grassland is located along the northern border of Kachchh district. It is one of the largest grasslands in the Indian subcontinent […]
Goldilocks Effect On The Economy
Goldilocks Effect On The Economy: The RBI’s growth and inflation forecasts indicate a Goldilocks Effect on the economy by the second quarter of the next fiscal year. Goldilocks Effect or the Goldilocks Principle, is the premise that people are inclined to seek ‘just the right’ amount of something. People prefer something that is neither too […]
Syphilis : Cases Reported In US
Syphilis : Cases Reported In US Cases of ocular syphilis has been recently reported in Michigan, US. Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). It is caused by the bacteria, Treponema pallidum. After the infection happens, syphilis bacteria can stay in the body for many years without causing symptoms. But the infection can become active […]
Banking Current Affairs : 9th Dec 2023
Today’s Current Affairs: 9th Dec 2023 for SSC CGL, State SSC, RRB, Railways, Banking Exam & IBPS, etc: International Anti-Corruption Day 2023: International Anti-Corruption Day stands as a global initiative committed to spotlighting the adverse impact of corruption on societies and economies worldwide. The 2023 International Anti-Corruption Day theme is “UNCAC at 20: Uniting the […]
Daily Current Affairs for UPSC IAS: 9th Dec 2023
Today’s Current Affairs: 9th Dec 2023 for UPSC IAS exams, State PSC exams, SSC CGL, State SSC, RRB, Railways, Banking Exam & IBPS, etc
Banking Current Affairs : 8th Dec 2023
Today’s Current Affairs: 8th Dec 2023 for SSC CGL, State SSC, RRB, Railways, Banking Exam & IBPS, etc: INS Vikramaditya & INS Vikrant to be deployed for Milan-2024: The Indian Navy has planned to deploy both its aircraft carriers INS Vikramaditya and INS Vikrant on the eastern seaboard during Milan-2024, a flagship international naval exercise […]