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Biotransformation Technology : To Make Plastics Biodegradable

Biotransformation Technology : To Make Plastics Biodegradable A UK-based startup has claimed to have developed a Biotransformation Technology that could alter the state of plastics and make them biodegradable. Biotransformation technology is a novel approach to ensure plastics that escape refuse streams are processed efficiently and broken down. Plastics made using this technology are given […]

Gandhamardan Hills : Third Biodiversity Heritage Site In Odisha

Gandhamardan Hills : Third Biodiversity Heritage Site In Odisha Gandhamardan hills were named the third biodiversity heritage site in Odisha recently. The Gandhamardan hill (Gandhamardan Reserve Forest) spreads in Bargarh and Balangir districts in Odisha. This ecologically fragile ecosystem is rich in floral and faunal diversity and is protected under the Odisha Biodiversity Rules,2012. Biodiversity […]


Ibisbill: Researchers recently highlighted that ground-nesting birds, including the ibisbill, can be impacted by changing climatic patterns in the Indian Himalayas. Ibisbill is a bird which belongs to the family Ibidorhynchidae. It is the only species in this family. It is a charismatic and uncommon wader seen in the Himalayas and foothills of India. Scientific […]