Exercise Bongosagar 2025:
The India-Bangladesh naval exercise ‘Bongosagar 2025’ and a ‘Coordinated Patrol (CORPAT)’ took place in the Bay of Bengal recently
- It is a bilateral naval exercise between India and Bangladesh.
- It is designed to develop high-level interoperability and operational expertise through a broad spectrum of maritime operations.
- Commenced in the year 2019, Bongosagar 2025 is the fifth edition of the exercise.
- The exercise saw participation of INS Ranvir from the Indian Navy and BNS Abu Ubaidah from Bangladesh Navy.
- The exercise enhanced interoperability between the two navies, facilitating collaborative responses to shared maritime security challenges.
- The exercise involved a range of complex operations encompassing surface firing, tactical manoeuvres, underway replenishment, Visit-Board-Search-Seizure (VBSS) cross boarding, communication drills, quiz for Ops team and junior officers on professional topics, and steam past.
- The exercise provided the opportunity for both navies to develop closer links in tactical planning, coordination, and information sharing for undertaking seamless maritime operations.