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First Meteor Shower Of The Year

First Meteor Shower Of The Year:

The world is all set to witness the first meteor shower of the year i.e Quadrantid Meteor in this month.

  • It occurs every year in early January. It is among one of the most intense annual meteor displays, and has a brief peak lasting only a few hours.
  • The name Quadrantids comes from the now obsolete constellation Quadrans Muralis, which was named in 1975 by French astronomer JJ Lalande.
  • The meteor shower was observed for the first time in the 1830s by Belgian astronomer Adolphe Quetelet.
  • It branches from the northeast corner of the Boötes constellation.
  • The Quadrantids reportedly emerged from asteroid 2003 EH1, which is believed to be a fragment of an extinct comet that broke down in 1490-91.
  • In its peak activity, observers can spot 60 to 120 meteors per hour. However, the visibility depends mainly on location and timing.
  • This year the viewing conditions will largely favour North America, especially for those in Mississippi.
  • Apart from the US, Canada, certain regions in Northern Europe, and Russia, China, Japan, and Korea are likely to witness the shower.