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Phrynarachne Decipiens

Phrynarachne Decipiens:

Zoologists in Assam have added a species of spider Phrynarachne decipiens whose web mimics a bird’s excrement to India’s list of arachnids.

  • Phrynarachne decipiens is better known as the bird dung or bird-dropping crab spider.
  • It was known to be distributed in Malaysia and Indonesia’s Java and Sumatra.
  • It has been recorded for the first time in the country from Assam’s Sonapur in the Kamrup (Metropolitan) district and the Chirang Reserve Forest in the Kokrajhar district.
  • The spider is usually seen lying motionless 1-2 ft above the ground on the upper side of broad leaves.
  • The chalky white colour of the spider and whitish deposition (its web) on the leaves, looking like bird excreta, make it very difficult to be sighted
  • It has the stout spermathecae (a sac-like organ in the female reproductive tract that stores sperm received during copulation) with posterior heads almost touching each other.