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Daily Current Affairs for UPSC IAS: 2nd September 2024

Today’s Current Affairs: 2nd September 2024 for UPSC IAS exams, State PSC exams, SSC CGL, State SSC, RRB, Railways, Banking Exam & IBPS, etc


Five persons fell unconscious and were hospitalised when they were engaged in shifting acetanilide bags from one container to another in Visakhapatnam recently.

  • Acetanilide is a synthetic organic compoundwith a designated molecular formula of C8H9NO.
  • It is also known as N-phenylacetamide, acetanil, or acetanilide.
  • It is a white, odorless solid.
  • It is functionally related to an acetic acid.
  • It was introduced in therapy in 1886 as a fever-reducing drug.
  • Its effectiveness in relieving pain was discovered soon thereafter, and it was used as an alternative to aspirin for many years in treating such common complaints as headache, menstrual cramps, and rheumatism.
  • Excessive or prolonged use of acetanilide engenders toxic side effects: it interferes with the function of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment of the blood.
  • In the body, acetanilide is mostly converted to acetaminophen (paracetamol), which has replaced acetanilide in therapy because it is less likely to induce blood disorders.
  • It is used as an intermediate in the production of dyes, rubber, and other chemicals.

Dispute Resolution Scheme:

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has introduced the Dispute Resolution Scheme (e-DRS), 2022, as a streamlined and efficient platform for taxpayers to resolve their income tax disputes.

  • Dispute Resolution Scheme aims to reduce litigation and provide a faster and more cost-effective resolution for taxpayers.
  • This initiative, established under section 245MA of the Income-tax Act, 1961, will allow taxpayers to resolve disputes electronically through Dispute Resolution Committees (DRCs).
  • Taxpayers who meet certain conditions specified in section 245MA can apply for dispute resolution.
  • This includes cases where the disputed amount does not exceed 10 lakh and the taxpayer’s income for the relevant year is below Rs. 50 lakh.
  • The dispute must not involve information from searches or international agreements.
  • The DRC, established in all 18 regions across the country, can modify orders, reduce penalties, or waive prosecution. They are required to decide within six months of receiving the application.

Metal-Organic Framework:


Researchers have developed a bunch of electrochemical and optical biosensors based on nano polymers multifunctional Metal-organic framework (MOF) and 2-dimensional (2D) materials.

  • Metal-organic framework are uniform structured porous materials suitable for solid-phase extraction.
  • These are the multifunctional coordination polymers.
  • These are a class of nanomaterials defined by their typical and unique property of being hardly one- or two-atom thick.
  • The MOFs and 2D materials possess several unique features that should project them as better alternatives as sensors, than other nanomaterials.
  • Both MOFs and 2D class of materials are known for their large surface area, functionality, and optoelectronic properties.
  • They also have a wide range of synthesis methods and can be developed into disposable electrodes, optical kits, fiber optic sensors, colorimetric strips, etc.
  • To develop electrochemical and optical sensors for different analytes, such as bacteria, Aflatoxins, and heavy metals.
  • It can be used for rapid and convenient detection of several health, food quality, and environmental parameters.
  • These are also useful for analyzing food toxins such as Aflatoxins and Zearaloene in water, milk and staple food samples.


A recent study has revealed that long-term exposure to fluoxetine (Prozac) can significantly disrupt the behaviour and reproductive traits of the male guppy fish.

  • Fluoxetine is a common antidepressant medication.
  • It inhibits the uptake of serotonin by nerve cells (neurons) and helps people with depression, panic, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive symptoms.
  • At low concentrations, fluoxetine reduces activity levels and increases refuge-seeking behaviour in male guppy fish.
  • It also altered their body condition, increased the size of their reproductive organs, and reduced sperm velocity. These effects could have significant implications for mating success and reproductive fitness in polluted waters.
  • Fluoxetine exposure reduced behavioural plasticity in the fish, suppressing within-individual variation in both activity and refuge.
  • Individual fishes are behaving more rigidly, potentially limiting their ability to respond flexibly to their environment.
  • High fluoxetine concentrations increased variation in body condition between individuals, while low concentrations increased variation in sperm numbers.
  • Guppy Fish are a small, pretty species of fish that are extremely popular for home aquariums.
  • These are a species of small tropical freshwater fish.

Poba Reserve Forest:

The Poba Reserve Forest in Assam’s Dhemaji district will soon be notified as a wildlife sanctuary.

  • Poba Reserve Forest is a rainforest located in the northeastern part of Assam.
  • The Reserved Forest (RF) was created in the year 1924 and covers an area of 10,221 hectares.
  • Towards the north are the foothills of the Himalayan range in Arunachal Pradesh; towards the east and south are the Siang, Dibang, and Lohit River systems confluencig into the mighty Brahmaputra and the Dibru-Saikhowa National Park; and towards the west are the revenue villages of the Jonai Sub-division of the Dhemaji district of Assam.
  • The peripheral area of the RF is inhabited by a few ethnic groups, such as Mising, Bodo, Sonowal Kachari, and Hajong (Rabha).
  • It is one of the richest rain forests of North-East India in terms of the flora and fauna found in it.
  • It is home to various arboreal species, including the slow loris and capped langur. Among the most common mammal species is the wild boar.
  • The forest is also a habitat for about 45 species of birds and reptiles, and the confluence of the Siang and Lohit rivers supports a diverse range of fish species.
  • The forest is renowned for its variety of orchids.
  • It serves as an important migratory route for various animals, particularly elephants, as it connects the D’ Ering Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary (Arunachal Pradesh), Kabu Chapri Proposed Reserve Forest, and Dibru-Saikhowa National Park (Assam).
  • This corridor is the second significant elephant migration route from the north to the south bank of the Brahmaputra River, the other being the Panpur-Kaziranga route.

Anti-Dumping Duty:

The Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry recently recommended imposing an anti-dumping duty on aluminium foil imported from China.

  • Anti-Dumping Duty is a protectionist tariff that a domestic government imposes on foreign imports that it believes are priced below fair market value.
  • Dumping is a process wherein a company exports a product at a price that is significantly lower than the price it normally charges in its home (or its domestic) market.
  • The duty is priced in an amount that equals the difference between the normal costs of the products in the importing country and the market value of similar goods in the exporting country or other countries that produce similar products.
  • It is imposed to protect local businesses and markets from unfair competition by foreign imports.
  • Thus, the purpose of anti-dumping duty is to rectify the trade distortive effect of dumpingand re-establish fair trade.
  • The use of anti-dumping measures as an instrument of fair competition is permitted by the World Trade Organization (WTO).
  • The WTO allows the government of the affected country to take legal action against the dumping country as long as there is evidence of genuine material injury to industries in the domestic market.
  • The government must show that dumping took place, the extent of the dumping in terms of costs, and the injury or threat to cause injury to the domestic market.
  • While the intention of anti-dumping duties is to protect local businesses and markets, these tariffs can also lead to higher prices for domestic consumers.
  • In India, the Ministry of Finance makes the final decision on whether to impose anti-dumping duties.

Foot-And-Mouth Disease : Free Zones

The Union government recently decided to establish foot-and-mouth disease-free zones in eight States — Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, and Gujarat.

  • Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) is a severe, highly contagious viral diseaseof livestock that has a significant economic impact.
  • The disease affects cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and other cloven-hoofed ruminants.
  • It does not affect horses, dogs, or cats.
  • Intensively reared animals are more susceptible to the disease than traditional breeds.
  • It is a transboundary animal disease (TAD) that deeply affects the production of livestock and disrupts regional and international trade in animals and animal products.
  • It is not a human health or food safety threat.
  • It is also not related to hand, foot, and mouth disease, which is a common childhood illness caused by a different virus.
  • The organism which causes FMD is an aphthovirus of the family Picornaviridae.
  • There are seven strains (A, O, C, SAT1, SAT2, SAT3, and Asia1) which are endemic in different countries worldwide.
  • Immunity to one type does not protect an animal against other types or subtypes.
  • FMD is found in all excretions and secretions from infected animals.
  • Notably, these animals breathe out a large amount of aerosolised virus, which can infect other animals via the respiratory or oral routes.
  • The disease is rarely fatal in adult animals, but there is often high mortality in young animals.

Formation Of 5 New Districts In Ladakh:

The Ministry of Home Affairs Minister granted “in-principle approval” for the formation of five new districts in Ladakh, increasing the Union Territory’s total number of districts to seven.The five new districts are Zanskar, Drass, Sham, Nubra, and Changthang.

  • This move, aimed at improving governance and development in the region, has been widely discussed and welcomed by various stakeholders.
  • Ladakh is one of India’s largest and least populated Union Territories.
  • The current administrative structure, with just two districts Leh and Kargil has struggled to address the needs of its vast and difficult terrain.
  • Due to its large area and inaccessibility, the existing administration faced challenges in reaching grassroots levels effectively.
  • The new districts are expected to alleviate these challenges by providing more localised administrative units.
  • Ladakh’s geopolitical significance and strategic location have made it a focus of development efforts, aiming to enhance both civilian and military infrastructure.
  • After Article 370’s removal in 2019, Ladakh became a Union Territory under the Union Home Ministry’s direct administration.
  • The creation of these districts aims to bring governance closer to the people, ensuring that benefits and services reach even the most remote areas.
  • Ladakh is part of the Prime Minister’s Development Package (PMDP), which includes significant funding and infrastructure projects aimed at the region’s growth.
  • The creation of new districts will further support these developmental efforts.
  • The Home Ministry has directed the Ladakh administration to form a committee to assess various aspects of the new districts, including headquarters, boundaries, structure, and staffing.
  • The committee is required to submit a detailed report within three months, after which the final proposal will be reviewed by the Union Home Ministry for further action.
  • Political and Public Reactions: Political parties questioned whether the new districts would have elected Autonomous Hill Development Councils, like Leh and Kargil, to ensure meaningful local governance.
  • While many welcomed the move, some social activists and former politicians called for greater political representation and functional autonomy to make the new districts effective in local governance.

Shilp Didi Mahotsav:

The Union Minister of Textiles visited the ‘Shilp Didi Mahotsav’ at Dilli Haat, New Delhi, showcasing the government’s dedication to empowering female artisans (known as Shilp Didis) through the Shilp Didi Programme.

  • The office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) under the aegis of Ministry of Textiles has launched the ‘Shilp Didi Programme’ on a pilot basis for 100 days.
  • A baseline survey identified 100 women artisans, known as Shilp Didis, representing 72 districts across 23 states, covering a total of 30 different crafts.
  • The primary objective of the Programme is to foster economic empowerment and financial independence among female artisans throughout India.
  • The initiatives commenced with e-training from June 2024 and includes components of E-commerce on-boarding, Entrepreneurship Development, Regulatory and social media On-boarding, Marketing Opportunities, etc.


A group of Orcas had attacked a sailboat off the coast of Spain. Since 2020, over 700 interactions between orcas and boats near the Strait of Gibraltar have been recorded.

  • Some scientists believe orcas may be targeting boats as a form of play, where young orcas learn and repeat new behaviours.
  • Some scientists theorise that a traumatic event, like getting tangled in fishing lines, might have triggered aggressive behaviour in orcas.
  • Some scientists suspect that a female orca (White Gladis), went through a similar traumatising experience, which altered her behaviour


  • Or killer whales, are the largest member of the dolphin family.
  • They use echolocation to communicate and hunt.
  • Echolocation is a technique used by bats, dolphins and other animals to determine the location of objects using reflected sound.
  • Each Orcas group (pod) has distinctive noises that its members will recognise even at a distance.
  • They are apex predators with diverse diets, consuming fish, penguins, seals, sea lions, and even whales, using four-inch-long teeth.

Right To Disconnect : Australia

Australia has granted millions of workers the legal right to disconnect from their jobs outside work hours, unless deemed unreasonable.

  • This law, similar to those in Europe and Latin America, allows workers to ignore after-hours contact from employers, promoting work-life balance.
  • ‘Right to Disconnect’:
    • Promotes work-life balance.
    • Reduces employee burnout and stress.
    • Enhances mental well-being.
    • Increases productivity during work hours.
    • Fosters fairness and respect for personal time.

World Gold Council : In News

The World Gold Council (WGC) has increased India’s gold consumption projection for 2024 to 850 tonnes from 750 tonnes.

  • This revision is due to favourable monsoon conditions and a reduction in gold import duty.
  • The rise in demand, mainly driven by jewellery purchases, is expected to continue through Diwali-Dhanteras. Additionally, interest in gold ETFs is growing
  • Gold is a significant global commodity. In 2022, Switzerland, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates were the leading exporters of gold. Major importers included Switzerland, China, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and India.
  • The top producers of gold are China, Australia, and Russia.
  • In India, the largest resources of gold ore (primary) are located in Bihar (44%), followed by Rajasthan (25%) and Karnataka (21%).
  • India is the world’s second-largest consumer of gold, after China, reflecting its substantial demand for this precious metal.


  • The World Gold Council (HQ: London; est. 1987) is an international trade association for the gold industry. It has offices in India, China, Singapore, the UAE and the United States.
  • The organization’s members are gold mining companies.

Anubhav Awards:

The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DoPPW) organised the 7th Anubhav Awards ceremony to recognise the contribution made by Central Government employees while in service.

  • The Anubhav Awards, initiated by the DoPPW, is designed to recognize and document the experiences of retiring and retired Central Government employees.
  • Launched in March 2015 on the direction of the Prime Minister of India, the objective is to create a culture of sharing experiences, fostering good governance and administrative reforms through the Anubhav Portal.
  • Retiring Central Government employees/pensioners are eligible. Write-ups published on the Anubhav Portal, during the time frame notified by DoPPW, are considered for the awards.
  • Write-ups can be submitted up to 8 months prior to retirement and up to 1 year after retirement.
  • Submissions are published after assessment by relevant Ministries/Departments.
  • 7th Anubhav awards ceremony conferred 5 Anubhav Awards and 10 Jury Certificates to personnel from 9 different ministries/departments.

RBI’s Five Strategic Priorities for India’s Financial Future:

At the Global Fintech Festival (GFF) 2024 in Mumbai, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das outlined five strategic priorities for India’s financial future, underscoring the country’s ambitious plans to establish itself as a leading global economy

Payment Passkey Service:

Mastercard has debuted its Payment Passkey Service in India, offering a secure, non-OTP-based solution for online transactions.The Payment Passkey Service is a secure, non-OTP-based method for managing online transactions. Instead of using traditional passwords or one-time passwords (OTPs), this service relies on biometric authentication (fingerprints, facial scans) or PINs available on the user’s device.The service uses tokenization to replace sensitive financial information with secure, encrypted tokens. This means your actual financial data is not shared during transactions, enhancing security.

Dhaincha and Green Manuring:

The Tamil Nadu government has recently distributed Dhaincha (green manure) under the Chief Minister’s Mannuyir Kaathu Mannuyir Kaappom (MKMK) Scheme. Farmers receive 20 kg of green manure per acre at a 50% subsidy to improve soil health. Dhaincha: A tall herb grown in wet areas, used for livestock feed and soil improvement. Green Manuring: Involves growing and incorporating leguminous plants into the soil. Benefits include improved soil structure, increased water retention, reduced erosion, weed control, and enhanced soil microorganism activity.

Cyclone Asna forms Over Kutch:

Cyclone Asna has formed over the Kutch coast in Gujarat and adjoining areas of Pakistan, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said on August 30. The cyclonic storm – a rare land-originating one in August and headed to the Arabian Sea – is expected to move further away from the western coast.

UN Allocates $100 Million for Humanitarian Crises in 10 Countries:

The United Nations has allocated $100 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to address critical humanitarian needs in 10 countries across Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Caribbean.

RBI Imposes Penalties on UCO Bank and Cent Bank Home Finance Ltd:

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has levied penalties on two financial entities for regulatory non-compliance. UCO Bank has been fined Rs 2.68 crore for violating provisions related to current account openings, deposit interest rates, and fraud classification.

Mona Agrawal Won Her First Paralympic Bronze Medal:

Mona Agarwal made history at the 2024 Paralympics by securing a bronze medal in the women’s 10m air rifle standing SH1 event on August 30. Her journey to the podium was not just about athletic excellence but also a testament to her resilience as a mother of two.

NHPC, SECI, Railtel, and SJVN Gain Navratna Status:

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman granted ‘Navratna’ status to four Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs): NHPC, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), Railtel Corporation of India (RCIL), and Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN).

INS Tabar Conducts Maritime Partnership Exercise with Spanish Navy Ship Atalaya:

INS Tabar, a frontline frigate of the Indian Navy, visited Malaga, Spain, on 25 August 2024, for a two-day engagement. Upon departure on 27 August, it participated in a Maritime Partnership Exercise (MPX) with the Spanish Navy Ship Atalaya in the Mediterranean Sea.

Kerala Tourism Clinches PATA Gold Award 2024 for Innovative ‘Holiday Heist’ Campaign:

In a significant achievement for Indian tourism, Kerala Tourism has once again put India on the global tourism map by winning the prestigious Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Gold Award 2024.

Dhulikhel Becomes Nepal’s First ‘Healthy City’ And Second Healthiest City In Asia: WHO

WHO has declared Dhulikhel Municipality of Kavrepalanchok district as Nepal’s first ‘healthy city’ and second healthiest city in Asia. Since 2014, Dhulikhel Municipality has implemented various programmes to achieve the status.