Cabo Verde : World Bank Report
The World Bank’s new report estimates that Cabo Verde, a small archipelago located off the coast of West Africa, will need to invest $842 million over 2024-2030 to address its climate and development challenges.
Highlights of the Report:
- Cabo Verde is highly vulnerable to extreme climate events including extreme heat, floods, droughts, tropical storms, landslides, volcanic eruptions, coastal erosion and sea level rise.
- Structural factors such as rapid rural-urban migration and land degradation further aggravate the country’s vulnerability to natural hazards.
Cabo Verde:
- Also known as Cape Verde, it is an African country.
- This former Portugal colony is an archipelago, made up of 10 volcanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
- It is 500 kms off the west coast of Africa.
- Its islands are divided into the Barlavento (windward) and Sotavento (leeward) groups.
- Senegal is its nearest country on the continent.
- It was once an important centre of slave trade.
- Generally moderate, the climate is characterized by stable temperatures with extreme aridity.
- The terrain of the Cabo Verde islands varies from the geologically older, flatter islands in the east and the newer, more mountainous islands in the west.
- The overwhelming majority of the population of Cabo Verde is of mixed European and African descentand is often referred to as mestiço or Crioulo.
- Capital: Praia
- Languages spoken: Portuguese and Cape Verdean Creole