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Very Short-Range Air Defence System : Three Successive Flight-Trials

Very Short-Range Air Defence System : Three Successive Flight-Trials

The Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) has successfully conducted three successive flight-trials of Very Short-Range Air Defence System (VSHORADS) from Chandipur off the coast of Odisha.

  • VSHORADS is a Man Portable Air Defence system.
  • It is short-range, lightweight and portable surface-to-air missilesthat can be fired by individuals or small groups to destroy aircraft or helicopters.
  • They are having a maximum range of 8 kilometres and can engage targets at altitudes of 4.5 km.
  • The missile incorporates many novel technologies including a miniaturized Reaction Control System (RCS) and integrated avionics, which have been successfully proven during the tests.
  • The RCS is responsible for attitude control and steering by the use of thrusters and is also capable of providing small amounts of thrust in any desired direction or combination of directions.
  • It is designed and developed indigenously by the Research Center Imarat in collaboration with other DRDO laboratories and Development cum Production Partners.
  • The missile system has the capability to meet the needs of all the three branches of the Armed Forces, viz. Indian Army, Navy and Air Force.