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HeroRATS for Tuberculosis Elimination

HeroRATS for Tuberculosis Elimination:

A Tanzanian non-profit organization conducts research to train African giant pouched rats, or HeroRATS, to detect Tuberculosis (TB).

  • These rats show high accuracy, especially in resource-limited areas. This research could help speed up TB detection in countries like India.
  • HeroRATS have an exceptional sense of smell due to their sensitive olfactory receptors, allowing them to detect diseases like TB.
  • HeroRATS undergoes a training program, learning to detect TB in sputum samples (thick mucus from lungs). They can screen 100 samples in just 20 minutes, compared to 3–4 days for traditional methods.
  • Detected samples are then confirmed using Ziehl-Neelsen and fluorescent microscopy.
  • Increased Detection Rates: HeroRATS doubled TB detection rates in children compared to conventional testing.
  • The rats were six times more effective at detecting TB in patients with a low bacillary load compared to those with a higher concentration of bacteria.
  • They outperformed traditional microscopy, which often fails in such cases.