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NASA’s DART Mission : In News

NASA’s DART Mission : In News

NASA’s DART mission made history by successfully crashing a spacecraft into the asteroid moonlet Dimorphos.

  • This marked a major step forward in protecting Earth from possible asteroid impacts by testing ways to change the direction of threatening space objects.
  • Dimorphids is the First Human-Made Meteor Shower
  • As a result of the DART mission’s impact, debris from Dimorphos has been scattered into space.
  • Scientists believe that more than 2 million pounds of this material could eventually reach Earth and Mars.
  • If this happens, it could create a meteor shower, known as the “Dimorphids,” in the next 10 to 30 years, leading to periodic meteor displays.

NASA’s DART Mission :

  • The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) was launched in 2021 as NASA’s first attempt to move an asteroid from its path.
  • The idea behind the mission was to see if a spacecraft could deflect an asteroid by crashing into it—this technique is called “kinetic impact.”
  • DART’s goal was to show that this method could be used to protect Earth from potential asteroid threats in the future.
  • The DART mission was a success.
  • The spacecraft hit Dimorphos and managed to shorten its orbit around the larger asteroid Didymos by 33 minutes.
  • This was a major victory, as it proved that using a spacecraft to change an asteroid’s path is possible.
  • It is the first time humans have intentionally changed the movement of a celestial body.