Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve: The Tamil Nadu Forest Department recently commenced a three-day-long elephant census at Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve. Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve is located at the junction of the Eastern and Western Ghatsin the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, in the Erode District of Tamil Nadu. Its area is contiguous with the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Bandipur Tiger Reserve […]
Category: Environment Current Affairs
G7 Commits To Net Zero Emissions By 2050
G7 Commits To Net Zero Emissions By 2050: The leaders of the G7 have recently kept their word to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. The government of Albanese has put forward a plan to create a Net Zero Economy Authority in order to encourage more investment in green technologies. Following the 2021 United Nations Climate […]
World’s Rangelands : Degraded
World’s Rangelands : Degraded About half of the world’s rangelands are degraded and need policy interventions, and communities depending on them need focused support, according to a new report of the United Nations Convention on Combating Desertification (UNCCD). Rangelands cover 80 million sq km, which is 54 per cent of the earth’s land surface. They […]
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) : Radioactive Discharge
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) : Radioactive Discharge The International Atomic Energy Agency urged increased caution against the trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials, citing over 4,200 incidents in the past three decades as it began its fourth International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS) on nuclear security. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an intergovernmental […]
Global Water Crisis : World Bank Report
Global Water Crisis : World Bank Report The World Bank’s new report “Water for Shared Prosperity,” released at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia, highlights the alarming global water crisis and its implications for human and economic development worldwide. Key Highlights: Significant gaps exist in access to water and sanitation services globally. As […]
GSAP SKILLS Platform: The GSAP SKILLS Platform was launched at the Fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, Convention on Biological Diversity. Global Species Action Plan(GSAP), the Species Conservation Knowledge, Information, Learning, Leverage and Sharing (SKILLS) platform brings the GSAP’s content online and allows the updating of technical tools and resources in real time. […]
Sweet sorghum
Sweet sorghum: Sweet sorghum is a hardy, nutritious, biofuel crop that offers solutions in drought-hit southern Africa because of El-Nino phenomenon. Sweet sorghum is the most important millet crop occupying largest area among the cereals next to rice. One of the key characteristics of sweet sorghum varieties is their drought resistance. It allows them to […]
International Day Of Biodiversity 2024
International Day Of Biodiversity 2024: The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB), celebrated on 22nd May 2024, raises awareness about the importance of biodiversity for sustaining life on Earth. The theme for 2024: “Be Part of the Plan,” Theme highlights the importance of a united effort to combat biodiversity loss and implement the Kunming-Montreal Global […]
Manipuri Pony
Manipuri Pony: Recognising the urgent need to save the Manipuri Pony, also known as the Meitei Sagol, the Government of Manipur has joined hands with various organisations and associations to take a host of decisions aimed at preventing it from vanishing into history. The Meitei Sagol is one of the seven recognised horse and pony […]
Emblica Chakrabartyi : New Plant Species
Emblica Chakrabartyi : New Plant Species Scientists have reported the discovery of a new plant species Emblica chakrabartyi from Adichilthotti within the Edamalayar forest range of Kerala. Emblica chakrabartyi species belonging to the gooseberry (Phyllanthaceae) family has been named after Tapas Chakrabarty, former scientist at the Botanical Survey of India, for his contribution to the […]