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Vitrimer : Sustainable Plastic

Vitrimer : Sustainable Plastic Researchers at the University of Tokyo have successfully created “sustainable plastic,” which is based on an epoxy resin vitrimer. Vitrimer represent a relatively recent category of plastics known for their impressive strength at low temperatures. They also possess the unique ability to be reshaped numerous times when exposed to higher temperatures. […]

White Hydrogen

White Hydrogen: Scientists looking for fossil fuels beneath the ground in northeastern France have discovered a large reservoir of white hydrogen. White Hydrogen is also referred to as “natural,” “gold” or “geologic” hydrogen. It is naturally produced in the Earth’s crust and is considered a potential source of clean energy. It generally exists combined with […]

Kerala’s Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary : Maoists Attack

Kerala’s Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary : Maoists Attack Suspected Maoists launched an attack on forest watchers in Kerala’s Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, near the Chavachi area. These Maoists have been increasingly active in and around the Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, even infiltrating local houses and engaging in activities like distributing propaganda materials. The Kerala government deployed Kerela Thunderbolts […]

Candolleomyces albosquamosus : A New Species Of Mushroom

Candolleomyces albosquamosus : A New Species Of Mushroom Researchers at the Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI) at Palode identified a new mushroom species, which has been named Candolleomyces albosquamosus Candolleomyces albosquamosus is a new species belonging to the genus Candolleomyces, which is relatively small genus with just 35 species recognised worldwide. […]