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National Bank For Financing Infrastructure And Development : Increase The Capital Base

National Bank For Financing Infrastructure And Development : Increase The Capital Base

The government wants to increase the capital base of the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development, or NaBFID, to 1 trillion through support from banks.

  • National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development was set up in 2021, by an Act of the Parliament(The National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development Act, 2021).
  • It is a specialized Development Finance Institutionin India.
  • Objectives is Addressing the gaps in long-term non-recourse finance for infrastructure development, strengthening the development of bonds and derivatives markets in India, and sustainably boosting the country’s economy.
  • Regulated by and supervised by RBIas an All-India Financial Institution (AIFI).
  • The principal idea behind the setup of NaBFID is to provide a dedicated and specialized institution focused on addressing the long-term financing needs of the infrastructure sector in India.