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Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon:

Project Raptor Watch (PRW) of the Madras Naturalist’s Society, who have been tracking peregrines, aims to document, study and monitor raptor species in Tamil Nadu.

  • Peregrine Falcon is one of the most widespread birds in the world.
  • It is found on all continents except Antarctica and on many oceanic islands
  • They prefer open habitats, such as grasslands, tundra, and meadows.
  • They are most common in tundra and coastal areas and rare in sub-tropical and tropical habitats.
  • They nest on cliff faces and crevices.
  • They are active during the day. When not breeding they are primarily solitary and establish and defend territories.
  • They are high level predators, peregrine falcons play an important role in regulating populations of their prey, particularly pigeons and doves.
  • Conservation status :IUCN Red List status: Least Concern.