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Srinagar Added In World Craft City List

Srinagar Added In World Craft City List:

Srinagar has recently been added to the World Craft Cities list by the World Crafts Council (WCC), recognizing its rich craft traditions making it the fourth such city
from India.

  • Jaipur, Malappuram, and Mysore are other three Indian cities on the list included in a total of 60 cities worldwide.
  • Srinagar, with a history of about 1,500 years, was a key Silk Route hub for arts, crafts, and trade.
  • Notable crafts include Paper-Machie, walnut wood carving, carpets, Sozni embroidery, and Pashmina and Kani shawls.
  • The city is known globally for the ‘Cashmere’ brand and paisley motif.
  • Crafts such as Zanjan and Filigree were introduced by Iranian artisans five centuries ago.
  • Srinagar’s carpet tradition began in the late 14th century with Sufi Saint Sayyid Ali Hamdani.
  • In 2021, it was recognized as a UNESCO Creative City for crafts and folk arts.

World Craft City Programme (WCC):

  • It was introduced in 2014 by the World Crafts Council AISBL (WCC-International) to honour the crucial contributions of local authorities, craftspeople, and communities
    to global craft development.