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Restructured National Bamboo Mission

Restructured National Bamboo Mission:

The Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare informed the Lok Sabha about the restructured National Bamboo Mission.

  • The restructured National Bamboo Mission was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in 2018-19.
  • It provides assistance to both the Government & private sectors for the propagation and cultivation of bamboo in non-forest land, bamboo treatment, establishment of markets, incubation centers, value added product development & processing and development of tools & equipment.
  • The funding pattern is 60:40 between Centre and State Government for all States except NE & Hilly States, where it is 90:10 and 100% in case of Union Territories/Bamboo Technology Support Groups (BTSGs) and National Level Agencies.
  • Major objectives:
    • To increase the availability of quality planting materials, area expansion of bamboo cultivation.
    • To improve post-harvest management, primary treatment and seasoning, preservation technologies, market infrastructure, product development, promote skill development and re-align efforts to reduce dependency on import of bamboo and bamboo products.
  • It is being implemented through the state nodal department which is nominated by the State/UT governments concerned.