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Corruption Perceptions Index 2024

Corruption Perceptions Index 2024:

India ranked 96th in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2024, down from 93rd in 2023, with a score of 38, a decline from 39 in 2023.

  • CPI is Published annually by the non-governmental organization Transparency International since 1995.
  • It ranks 180 countries based on perceived levels of public sector corruption, using a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).
  • Denmark topped the CPI 2024 as the least corrupt nation, followed by Finland and Singapore. Among India’s neighbors, Pakistan (135), Sri Lanka (121), and Bangladesh (149) ranked poorly, while China stood at 76.
  • While 32 countries have significantly reduced their corruption levels since 2012, 148 countries have either stagnated or worsened during the same period, highlighting the ongoing challenge.
  • According to the Transparency International, Corruption hampers climate action by misusing funds meant for mitigation and adaptation, with fossil-fuel interests obstructing policies.
  • It also links to declining democracy, instability, and human rights violations, necessitating urgent global action.