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Henley Passport Index 2024

Henley Passport Index 2024:

The average number of visa-free destinations has nearly doubled since 2006, according to the 2024 Henley Passport Index.

Highlights of Henley Passport Index 2024:

  • France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, and Spain hold the top spot as the world’s most powerful passports, allowing visa-free entry to 194 global destinations.
  • The top 10 is largely dominated by European countries.
  • The average number of destinations travellers are able to access visa-free has nearly doubled, from 58 in 2006 to 111 in 2024.
  • India’s passport ranked 80th in the list, with citizens allowed to travel to 62 countries without a visa.
  • Afghanistan occupies the bottom spot on the list, with access to just 28 countries without a visa.
  • Syria, with visa-free access to only 29 destinations, holds the second-lowest position, followed by Iraq with 31 and Pakistan with 34.
  • The United Arab Emirates was the fastest climber over the past decade, jumping to 11th place and offering access to 183 destinations without a visa.