UN80 Initiative:
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres launched the UN80 Initiative to enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness within the United Nations as it faces financial and operational challenges.
- A reform strategy to boost efficiency and reduce costs within the United Nations.
- Launched on the 80th anniversary of the UN by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
- Aim is to Improve financial sustainability amid shrinking global contributions, Enhance structural reforms for better mandate implementation and Strengthen strategic planning and cost-effectiveness.
- Key Targets is to Identify operational efficiencies to streamline UN activities, Review existing mandates for better alignment with global priorities, Restructure programs to optimize financial and human resources,Enhance collaboration between different UN bodies for cohesive action and Ensure greater transparency in budget allocation and expenditure.
- Features:
- Establishes an internal task force led by Under-Secretary-General Guy Ryder.
- Introduces a rigorous review mechanism to assess UN programs and operations.
- Aims to make the UN more responsive to emerging global challenges.
- Encourages timely financial contributions from member states to resolve liquidity crises.