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Shishtachar Squad

Shishtachar Squad:

Delhi Police has formed district-wise dedicated anti-eve-teasing squads (Shistachar squads) across the national capital to check incidents of harassment and ensure the safety of women in public spaces.

  • The Shishtachar Squad is an anti-eve-teasing initiative by Delhi Police aimed at improving women’s safety in public spaces.
  • Inspired by Uttar Pradesh’s Anti-Romeo Squads, it adopts a multi-faceted approach involving prevention, intervention, and victim assistance.
  • Each district will form at least two squads, which will be supervised by the ACP Crime Against Women cell of the concerned district.
  • Features:
    • Each squad includes one inspector, one sub-inspector, five male officers, four female officers, and technical support from the Anti-Auto Theft Squad.
    • The district DCPs shall identify and compile a list of hotspots and vulnerable areas, that pose risks to women’s safety
    • The squad will also routinely move around in vulnerable areas and conduct drives in at least two vulnerable points every day.
    •  Plain-clothed officers perform surprise checks in public transport and interact with DTC staff to encourage reporting of harassment cases.