The Union Minister of Earth Sciences said that an umbrella scheme Research, Education and Training Outreach (REACHOUT) is being implemented by the Ministry of Earth Sciences for capacity building.
- REACHOUT scheme: The Research, Education and Training Outreach (REACHOUT) scheme consists of
- R&D in Earth System Science (RDESS)
- International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean)
- Program for Development of Skilled manpower in Earth System Sciences (DESK)
- This scheme is being implemented for the entire country and not State/UT-wise.
- The main objectives of the above sub-schemes are
- Supporting various R &D activities in the thrust areas of different components of Earth System Sciences that are theme and need-based and that would help in attaining the National goals set up for MoES.
- Develop useful collaborations with international organizations for the mutual transfer of advanced knowledge in science and technology in Earth Sciences and to provide services to developing countries.
- Develop skilled and trained manpower in Earth Sciences with the support of academic institutions in the country and abroad.