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Posts by Kumari Sonali:

Project Akashteer

Project Akashteer: The Indian Army has initiated the induction of control and reporting systems under ‘Project Akashteer’ to bolster its air defense capabilities. Project Akashteer is a cutting-edge initiative designed to automate air defense control and reporting processes by digitizing them. It aims to deliver an unprecedented level of situational awareness and control for the […]

Strategic Forces Command

Strategic Forces Command: The new generation ballistic missile Agni-Prime was successfully flight-tested by the SFC along with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) recently Strategic Forces Command (SFC) sometimes called Strategic Nuclear Command, forms part of India’s Nuclear Command Authority (NCA), which is responsible for command-and-control decisions regarding India’s nuclear weapons programme. It is […]

Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives : RBI

Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives : RBI The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has postponed the implementation of its new norms for the exchange-traded currency derivatives (ETCD) market. This decision follows concerns raised by market participants regarding participation in the ETCD market, which led to increased volatility in the forex market. The new norms, aimed to […]