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Ludwigia peruviana : Significant Threat To Elephant Habitats

Ludwigia peruviana : Significant Threat To Elephant Habitats An Invasive weed called Ludwigia peruviana is posing a significant threat to elephant habitats and foraging areas in Valparai, Tamil Nadu. The invasion of Ludwigia Peruviana poses a significant threat to elephant habitats, disrupting the growth of essential food sources for elephants and other plant-eating animals. The […]

Tiger Orchids

Tiger Orchids: Tiger Orchids (Grammatophyllum speciosum) bloom at the Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI), Palode, Kerala. Tiger orchid is the largest orchid species in the world. It is called Tiger Orchid because of its splendid flowers which sport striking brown spots against a yellow backdrop, bringing to mind tigers. After 8-12 […]

Batagaika Crater : Affected Due To Climate Change

Batagaika Crater: Affected Due To Climate Change Stunning drone footage has revealed details of the Batagaika crater which is getting affected due to climate change. Batagaika Crater is located in Russia’s Far East that forms the world’s biggest permafrost crater. Scientists believe that the crater is the result of a melting permafrost land, which was […]

India Climate Energy Dashboard (ICED) 3.0 : NITI Aayog

India Climate Energy Dashboard (ICED) 3.0 : NITI Aayog NITI Aayog has launched the India Climate Energy Dashboard (ICED) 3.0, a comprehensive platform providing near real-time data on the energy sector, climate, and related economic datasets sourced from government publications. Developed as a user-friendly platform, ICED 3.0 enables users to freely access and analyse datasets […]

Vision Document To Achieve 2070 Net Zero Target : Jharkhand

Vision Document To Achieve 2070 Net Zero Target : Jharkhand Jharkhand, a state known for its rich mineral resources and significant contribution to India’s industrial development, is now gearing up for a remarkable transition towards sustainability and a low-carbon economy. The state’s Department of Forest, Environment, and Climate Change recently released a vision document outlining […]