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64th International Sugar Organization Council Meeting

64th International Sugar Organization Council Meeting:

India is hosting the 64th International Sugar Organization (ISO) Council Meeting in June 2024 in New Delhi.

  • A workshop titled “Sugar and Biofuels-Emerging Vistas” was organised in which international delegates, Indian sugar mill executives, industry associations, and technical experts participated.
  • It discussed the future of the global sugar sector, biofuels, sustainability, and the role of farmers.
  • India is the world’s largest consumer of sugar and the second-largest producer after Brazil.
  • Sugarcane is the 2nd major feedstock for ethanol production (after corn) in the world.
  • ISO is a United Nations (UN) affiliated body headquartered in London.
  • It has about 85 member countries covering 90% of global sugar production and is mandated to bring major sugar-producing, consuming and trading nations together.
  • Many member countries of ISO and Global Biofuel Alliance are common and this can be another forum to expand the alliance and promotion of biofuels.