Banana Cultivation : Increased
According to the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), India has achieved a tenfold increase in banana exports over the past decade and aims to reach $1 billion in exports within the next five years.
- Banana is basically a tropical crop and the second most important fruit crop in India next to mango.
- It grows well in a temperature range of 15ºC – 35ºC with relative humidity of 75-85%.
- It prefers tropical humid lowlands and is grown from the sea level to an elevation of 2000m.
- Deep, rich loamy soil with pH between 6.5 -7.5 is most preferred for banana cultivation. Soil for banana should have good drainage, adequate fertility and moisture. Saline solid, calcareous soils are not suitable for banana cultivation.
- Major Producing States: Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, etc.