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Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation

Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation:

India assumed chairmanship of Bay of Bengal (BOB) Inter-Governmental Organisation from Bangladesh at the 13th Governing Council Meeting at Malé, Maldives.

  • Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation was set up in 2003.
  • It is a unique regional fisheries body, specifically mandated to assist the member countries in increasing the livelihood opportunities and improving the quality of life of the small-scale/ artisanal fisher folk in the Bay of Bengal region.
  • The Organisation evolved from the erstwhile Bay of Bengal Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) founded in 1979.
  • It has set international benchmarks in execution of programs and activities in the field of small-scale fisheries that has translated into measurable benefits for the member countries.
  • The current members of the Organisation are Bangladesh, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka while Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand are cooperating non-contracting parties.
  • Objective of Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation is to increase awareness and knowledge of the needs, benefits and practices of marine fisheries management; Enhance skills through training and education; transfer appropriate technologies and techniques for development of the small-scale fisheries; establish regional information networking; and promote women’s participation in marine fisheries value chain.