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CERT-In Warns Of Critical Flaws In Google Chrome

CERT-In Warns Of Critical Flaws In Google Chrome:

The Center’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) just sent out a warning about major security holes found in Google Chrome.

  • CERT-In’s warning note, CIVN-2024-0170, talks about this worry and stresses how important it is for users to update their browsers right away.
  • The flaws that were found are considered very serious, and hackers can access user systems and data from afar.
  • According to CERT-In’s statement, Google Chrome had three major security problems before versions 125.0.6422.76/.77 for Windows and Mac, and before 125.0.6422.76 for Linux.
  • Heap Buffer Overflow in ANGLE and Dawn: It happens when too much data is written to a memory buffer, which can cause crashes or let bad code in.
  • This flaw shows up when the browser tries to use memory that has already been freed up, which could cause code to run without permission or the system to crash.
  • Type Confusion in V8 problem happens when data is handled wrong because of type confusion, which lets attackers get around security measures and maybe even add harmful code.
  • These holes are very bad for security because anyone can use them to run any code, steal private data, cause systems to crash, or spread more threats.