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Discovery Of Dark Oxygen

Discovery Of Dark Oxygen:

Scientists reported an unknown process is producing oxygen deep in the world’s oceans, where photosynthesis can’t occur due to the lack of sunlight.

  • This discovery is significant because oxygen supports marine life and suggests that there may be previously unknown ecosystems.
  • Scientists observed an unexpected increase in oxygen concentration in some areas of the abyssal zone (where sunlight is extremely low and insufficient for photosynthesis).
  • Researchers noted that this finding represents a new source of oxygen where photosynthesis does not occur, and termed it as ‘dark oxygen’.
  • Typically oxygen is provided by the ‘Great Conveyor Belt’, a global circulation system which should decrease without local production, as small animals consume it.
  • One hypothesis for oxygen production is that polymetallic nodules are transporting electric charges that split water molecules, releasing oxygen.
  • Polymetallic nodules are lumps of iron, manganese hydroxides, and rock found on the ocean floor.
  • However, the exact energy source for the nodules’ ability to produce oxygen remains unclear.
  • The study was conducted in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone Region off Mexico’s west coast.
  • The Zone is noted for having the highest concentration of polymetallic nodules in the world.