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Grom-E1 Missile

Grom-E1 Missile:

Russian troops recently hit Kharkiv, Ukraine, with a Grom-E1 hybrid missile

  • Grom-E1 Missile is a sophisticated weapon created from the Soviet-era Kh-38 “air-to-surface” missile.
  • It was developed by Russia and officially unveiled for the first time in 2018.
  • It combines the features of both a missile and an aerial bomb.
  • It features a high-explosive modular warhead equipped with a contact detonator.
  • In addition to its standard configuration, there is a variant with a thermobaric design capable of detonating at high altitudes.
  • The bomb itself weighs 594 kg (1,310 pounds), with a 315 kg (694 pound) warhead.
  • The effectiveness of the Grom-E1 depends on the altitude and speed of the aircraft that launches it.
  • For instance, its maximum range of 120 km (75 miles) can be achieved when dropped from an altitude of 12 km (7.5 miles) at a speed of 1,600 km per hour (994 mph). At an altitude of 5 km, the range decreases to approximately 35 km.
  • This weapon can be deployed by Russian aircraft such as the MiG-35, Su-34, Su-35, Su-57, and certain helicopters.