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INS Teg:

The Indian warship INS Teg has rescued nine sailors, including eight Indians and one Sri Lankan, who were on board the Comoros-flagged oil tanker, MT Falcon Prestige, that had capsized recently off the Oman coast.

  • INS Teg is the first of three guided missile frigates of the modified INS Talwar-class that India commissioned Russian shipyard Yantar to build under Project-17 A (the other two are INS Tarkash and INS Trikand).
  • INS Teg was commissioned into Navy service on 27 April 2012.
  • The Talwar-class guided missile frigates are modified Krivak III-class frigates built by Russia.
  • These ships use stealth technologies and a special hull design to ensure a reduced radar cross-section.
  • Much of the equipment on the ship is Russian-made, but a significant number of systems of Indian origin have also been incorporated.