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Joint Communique On a Peace Framework

Joint Communique On a Peace Framework:

Only proposals acceptable to both Russia and Ukraine can lead to peace, said India as New Delhi decided to disassociate itself from the final document issued on June 16 at the conclusion of a Peace Summit in Switzerland.

  • The ongoing war in Ukraine, initiated by the Russian Federation, continues to cause significant human suffering and global crises.
  • A high-level summit was held in Switzerland on 15-16 June 2024 to discuss pathways to a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine.
  • Attendees reaffirmed their commitment to international law and the United Nations Charter, referencing resolutions A/RES/ES-11/1 and A/RES/ES-11/6 from the UN General Assembly.
  • Ensuring the safe operation of Ukraine’s nuclear power plants, including Zaporizhzhia, under Ukraine’s sovereign control and in line with IAEA principles. Any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the conflict is unacceptable.
  • Emphasizing the importance of uninterrupted food production and supply, safe navigation, and access to sea ports.
  • Attacks on merchant ships and port infrastructure are unacceptable, and Ukrainian agricultural products should be freely provided to other countries.
  • Calling for the release of all prisoners of war through complete exchange and the return of all unlawfully displaced Ukrainian children and civilians.