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Megalithic Hat Stones : Discovered

Megalithic Hat Stones : Discovered

A recent archaeological excavation conducted by the State Archaeology Department in Kerala, uncovered a significant number of megalithic “hat stones,” also known as Thoppikkallu in Malayalam.

  • Hat stones are hemispherical laterite stones that were used as lids on burial urns during the megalithic period.
  • This discovery is notable as it could potentially be the largest collection of hat stones found at an unprotected site in the state.

Key Findings:

  • The team found numerous megalithic burial sites and relics, including a unique rock-cut laterite burial chamber, during the pipeline work that prompted the excavation.
  • This site yielded a large number of earthen urns and distinctive iron implements, shedding light on the culture and life of people who inhabited the area over 2,000 years ago.
  • Ashes were discovered within the urns and beneath the hat stones, which is different from the more common occurrence of cremated bones.
  • This suggests unique mortuary practices at this site.