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Naavu Manujaru Programme

Naavu Manujaru Programme:

The Karnataka government has ordered the implementation of ‘Naavu Manujaru’ programme from this academic year.

  • Naavu Manujaru’ Programme is to improve the capacity of the students to think independently and rationality and understand the pros and cons of every issue.
  • It will also be helpful for the overall development of the students.
  • It is implemented in all government, aided and unaided primary and high schools of the State.
  • Implementation of this programme would involve discussions and dialogues for two hours per week
  • It involves discussion on social harmony and its significance, based on local and national festivals, folk games, sports
  • The discussion also includes thoughts of social reformers, visiting and sharing information on outbound/local famous places, cottage industries, discussion on nuclear and non-nuclear families, discussion on elimination of inequality and dialogue on constitutional values like equality, liberty and fraternity etc.
  • The Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT) is the implementation authority of this programme.