National Dam Safety Authority:
The Supreme Court recently directed a supervisory committee chaired by the head of the National Dam Safety Authority, to look into issues raised by Tamil Nadu against Kerala concerning the maintenance of the 125-year-old Mullaperiyar dam.
- NDSA is a statutory body set up by the Central Government in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 8(1) of the National Dam Safety Act, 2021.
- It operates with a clear mandate to regulate, oversee, and inspect dams.
- This authority plays a crucial role in formulating policies and guidelines that govern the construction, maintenance, and operation of dams
- A key function of the NDSA is to resolve any issue between the State Dam Safety Organisations of states or between a State Dam Safety Organisation and any owner of a specified dam in that state.
- The NDSA actively engages in nationwide awareness programs to educate citizens about dam safety.
- In the face of natural calamities or unforeseen events, the NDSA ensures that comprehensive emergency response plans are in place.
- It is headed by a chairman and assisted by five members to lead its five wings – policy and research, technical, regulation, disaster and resilience and administration and finance.
- It has its headquarters at New Delhi.