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Network Of Women In Media, India : Guidelines

Network Of Women In Media, India : Guidelines

The Network of Women in Media, India (NWMI) has released guidelines to improve safety and equity in newsrooms. These guidelines address issues like poor working conditions, harassment, and unfair practices.

Common issues identified include:

  • Widespread workplace humiliation and harassment.
  • Tolerance of abusive behaviour from senior staff, often excused by past experiences.
  • Disparaging comments based on personal attributes like caste, gender, and sexuality.
  • Severe attacks primarily target women and LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Key recommendations include:

  • Adherence to legal work hours, with overtime recognition.
  • Fair and transparent salaries, adjusted for inflation and comparable industries.
  • Minimum of 30 days paid leave, including mental health and menstrual leave.
  • Establishment of professional HR departments with clear policies on acceptable behaviour.
  • Transparent performance appraisals and a zero-tolerance policy for toxic behaviour.
  • Regular communication and training on workplace policies.
  • Prompt filling of vacancies to avoid overburdening staff.
  • Journalists should work no more than 144 hours over four consecutive weeks. A mandatory day off each week.
  • Enforce a zero-tolerance policy for toxic behaviour, with disciplinary action against violators, regardless of position or popularity.