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Pig Liver Transplant In Cancer Patient

Pig Liver Transplant In Cancer Patient:

A man with advanced liver cancer who is 71 years old is the first person in history to receive a liver donation from a genetically modified pig.

  • This is a huge step forward in medicine. Doctors at Anhui Medical University’s First Affiliated Hospital in China did this historic treatment.
  • The safe use of pig liver is a big step forward in the field of xenotransplantation, which is the transplantation of organs from animals into people.
  • A pig liver that had been genetically modified in ten specific ways to lower the risk of organ rejection and other problems was used before.
  • The pig liver weighed 514 grams and was designed to work as well in the human body as possible.
  • Interestingly, after the surgery, the transplanted liver started working properly, making about 200 milliliters of bile every day.
  • The patient also showed no signs of immediate or acute rejection, so the liver function and blood clotting stayed normal.