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Quadrilateral Security Dialogue

Quadrilateral Security Dialogue:

Senior defence officers from Quad nations have expressed concerns over China’s growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific during a panel on “Deepwater Perils: Securing Trade”.

  • QUAD is a strategic forum involving India, the US, Japan, and Australia, focusing on maritime security and economic cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.
  • It is not a military alliance but a diplomatic partnership aimed at maintaining a free, open, and rules-based Indo-Pacific.
  • It operates through annual summits, foreign ministers’ meetings, and six working groups covering: Health, Climate, Critical & Emerging Technology, Space, Infrastructure and Cybersecurity.
  • 2007: Japan’s Shinzo Abe proposed the idea of Quad during an informal ASEAN meeting.
  • 2012: The Concept of ‘Democratic Security Diamond’ (India, US, Japan, Australia) was introduced.
  • 2017: Quad revitalized due to China’s growing influence; first formal meeting held in Manila.
  • 2020: Malabar naval exercises expanded to include Australia, marking first joint military exercise of Quad.
  • 2021: Quad leaders met virtually and released the joint statement “The Spirit of the Quad”.

Indo-Pacific Region:

  • The Indo-Pacific refers to the interconnected waters of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, a region of strategic, economic, and geopolitical
  • It serves as a major trade route, facilitating 60% of global maritime trade.