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Rwanda : Election

Rwanda : Election

Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame has smashed his own record by winning recent elections with more than 99% of the vote.

  • Rwanda is a landlocked countrylocated south of the equator in east-central Africa.
  • It is part of the Great Rift Valley region of Africa.
  • Often referred to as the “land of a thousand hills”, Rwanda’s landscape is mostly hilly and mountainous.
  • It covers an area of 26,338 sq. km.
  • Rwanda shares a border with the four nations of Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Capital: Kigali
  • Languages: Kinyarwanda, French, English
  • It is one of the continent’s most densely populated, with approximately a thousand people per square mile.
  • The Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups make up most of the country’s population.
  • The majority of both groups practice Christianity.
  • In 2003, Rwanda adopted a constitution mapping out a presidential system of government.
  • Two major African rivers, the Nile and the Congo, flow through Rwanda.
  • Other major rivers are Kagera, Nyabarongo, Ruzizi, Luhwa, and Akanyaru.
  • 80% of Rwanda’s rivers drain into the Nile through Lake Victoria, while the remaining 20% drain into the Congo via the Rusizi River which also has the lowest elevation in Rwanda at 950 m.