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Somalia Wins Non-Permanent Seat On UN Security Council

Somalia Wins Non-Permanent Seat On UN Security Council:

Somalia has reached a major milestone by becoming the first country since the 1970s to have a non-permanent place on the UN Security Council.

  • This change, which was revealed after a vote in the 193-member UN General Assembly in which Somalia got 179 votes, is a major step forward in the country’s international relations and government after decades of civil war.
  • The seat is meant for East Africa, and Somalia won it without any competition.
  • After President Mohamed Siad Barre was removed from office in 1991, Somalia fell into civil war. Rival clans and leaders fought each other for years.
  • The UN and the African Union (AU) have played a big role in trying to settle the country and get central government back in place during these troubled decades.
  • Recently, the central government has also been fighting the Islamist terrorist group al-Shabab. As foreign troops leave, these efforts are getting stronger.
  • The Security Council has 15 members: the US, the UK, France, China, and Russia are the five permanent members; the other ten members are non-permanent members.
  • These aren’t permanent seats; they’re split up by global area, and each person serves for two years without the power to veto.
  • Non-permanent members have a lot of power because they can change the way debates and votes are conducted on important topics like peacekeeping missions and sanctions.