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Tsangyang Gyatso Peak

Tsangyang Gyatso Peak:

A peak in Arunachal Pradesh was named ‘Tsangyang Gyatso Peak’ after the 6th Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso on which China objected.

  • China condemned the naming of the peak calling it an illegal operation in “Chinese territory”.
  • China claims the entire Arunachal Pradesh as “South Tibet”. Beijing calls the region “Zangnan” in the Chinese language.
    Tsangyang Gyatso was born in Tawang and lived during the 17th-18th century CE.
  • India described the naming as a tribute to Tsangyang Gyatso’s “timeless wisdom” and his contributions to the Monpa community (an ethnic group native to the Tawang region).
  • A team from National Institute of Mountaineering and Adventure Sports (NIMAS) scaled the 6,383-metre peak facing steep ice walls, dangerous crevasses, and a two-kilometre-long glacier.
  • The peak is located in the Gorichen range of Arunachal Pradesh Himalayas.
  • A crevasse is a deep, wedge-shaped opening in a glacier. Crevasses usually form in the top 50 metres of a glacier.
    NIMAS comes under the Ministry of Defence.