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World Wildlife Crime Report 2024

World Wildlife Crime Report 2024:

The 2024 World Wildlife Crime Report was released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on May 13, 2024. This report provides insights into the illegal wildlife trade that occurred between 2015 and 2021.

  • The rhino and pangolin were the animal species most affected:
    • Rhino Horn Market: Largest at 29%
    • Pangolin Scales Market: Second largest at 28%
    • Elephant Ivory Market: Third largest at 15%
    • Additional affected species include eels, crocodilians, parrots, cockatoos, carnivores, turtles, tortoises, snakes, seahorses, and other animals constituting various smaller percentages.
  • Plant Species
    • Cedars and other Sapindales were the most affected plant species:
    • Cedars and Sapindales Market: Largest at 47%
    • Rosewoods Market: Second largest at 35%
    • Agarwood and other Myrtales Market: Third largest at 13%
  • Other affected plant species include golden chicken fern, orchids, and several others.
    • Corals: 16% of seizures
    • Crocodilians: 9%
    • Elephants and Bivalve Molluscs: Each 6%